
This page will act as a tutorial on how to safely setup a Python environment on a computer, and on how to install io_beep_boop inside.


If you are a Python developer, and you intend to use this library to develop new tools, you might be interested to know that:

Installing Python

io_beep_boop requires Python 3.10 or later.

You can download Python at the Downloads page of the official website.

Ensure that “Add Python to the PATH” is checked during installation, or you will not be able to run scripts from the command line!

Creating a venv

To prevent dependency conflicts, it is highly suggested to create a new venv ( virtual environment) to install io_beep_boop in.

To do so, open a terminal or command prompt, create a new folder, access it, and when inside run python -m venv .venv:

$ cd Documents/Workspaces
$ mkdir IOTools
$ cd IOTools
$ python -m venv .venv

Once created, run the following command to access the venv:

$ source ./.venv/bin/activate
> .\.venv\Scripts\activate

You will have to activate the venv on every subsequent terminal session, or you won’t be able to access the packages installed inside it!

See also

Installing packages using pip and virtual environments by the Python Packaging Authority.

Installing io_beep_boop

Once enabled the venv, you can install packages in it by using pip.

Specifically, you’ll want to install io_beep_boop:

(.venv)$ pip install io-beep-boop
Successfully installed io-beep-boop-0.1.0

The installation is complete! You may proceed to Using the command-line interface.